Building with Greenery

Late Start to Retirement

Entering the retirement planning game at 46 or beyond might feel like starting a marathon with a slight limp. While you might face a steeper hill to climb, achieving a comfortable retirement is still within reach with a disciplined and strategic approach. It’s still doable to navigate a late start to retirement.

Setting Your Retirement Goals

Determine the lifestyle you envision for retirement. Do you want to travel, or perhaps work part-time in a field you’re passionate about? Understanding your retirement goals will shape your savings and investment strategies. Knowing your end goals helps in planning your path effectively.

Maximizing Your Savings

Increase Your Savings Rate

Experts suggest a savings rate of 15% of your annual salary as a good starting point. However, given the late start, pushing for 20% or more is advisable. Adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate higher savings can lead to a significant financial turnaround.

Boost Contributions

If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, maximize your contributions. If not, traditional or Roth IRAs are viable alternatives. The tax advantages these accounts offer can significantly bolster your retirement savings.

Catch-Up Contributions

After 50, the IRS permits additional catch-up contributions to your retirement accounts. Make the most of this provision to accelerate your savings rate.

Reducing Expenses

Debt Management

Aim to pay down high-interest debts and avoid incurring new ones. Reducing debt can free up more money for savings and investments. See what debt-free can look like through America’s Debt helper.


Consider downsizing or reducing unnecessary expenses to help increase your savings. A simpler lifestyle can contribute

Consulting a Financial Advisor or Coach

Professional Advice

Tailored advice from a professional can help devise a strategy that aligns with your financial circumstances and retirement goals. Financial advisors excel at providing financial planning and investment management, while financial coaches focus on education and addressing financial behaviors, offering guidance and accountability rather than managing assets.

If you have a late start to retirement and don’t know where to begin? Check us out on

Staying Committed to Your Goals

Starting retirement planning later in life presents unique challenges and requires a more disciplined approach. Achieving a secure and comfortable retirement is entirely possible. It’s about making informed decisions, staying committed to your financial goals, and leveraging available resources to make the most of your retirement planning journey.

With determination and the right strategies, you can bridge the gap and ensure a comfortable retirement. Keep focused, save diligently, and seek professional guidance to navigate your path to financial security.

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